Payment Authorization Terms and Conditions
- I (We) do hereby authorize the Owner or its Agents(s) to initiate monthly recurring payments to my (our) account(s). I further authorize the Owner or its Agent(s) to initiate an adjusting or correcting entry as necessary. This authorization is for all payments due under the Community Solar Subscription Agreement with the Owner (the “Agreement”).
- If you choose a credit/debit card as the method of payment for your subscription, please note that a 3.5% convenience fee applies. The exact dollar amount of the convenience fee will be displayed on your first invoice.
- This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until the termination of the Agreement.
- You are obligated to notify the Owner of any changes to your payment information. Notification of such changes to an existing account must be received at least 10 business days prior to the next draft date to be in effect as of that draft date.
- Under federal law, you have the right to stop an automatic payment. You must give at least three (3) business days oral or written notice to the Owner before the scheduled payment date in order to stop an automatic payment. The Owner shall be required to give email notifications and/or online access to the amount(s) and due date(s). If the above payment dates fall on a weekend or holiday, you understand that the payments may be executed on the next business day.
- You understand that if your initial payment failed, the Owner may at its discretion attempt to process the charge again within 30 days, any fees associated with non-payment or late payment will be added to your subsequent invoice.
- No payments due to the Owner will be considered “paid” until the Owner receives the funds in full.
- The Owner will incur no liability as a result of a withdrawal being dishonored by your financial institution.