Community Solar in California from Ampion

  • Clean Energy Standard: Carbon-free by 2045

  • Types of Subscribers Allowed: Residential, small business, and large commercial

  • Typical Contract Discount: No discount in Enhanced Community Renewables program

  • Billing Model: Dual billing (Utility plus Ampion)

Lower your Utility Bill, Help the Planet, Energize your Community

Check your eligibility for Community Solar from Ampion

Renewable Energy in California

West Coast, Best Coast doesn’t just apply to California’s sprawling diversity in scenery, culture, and adventure. The saying also covers The Golden State’s leading commitment to clean energy. With 32% of the state’s power coming from solar energy, Ampion knew that we had to be here to build support for the Community Solar movement.

Ampion is committed to significantly increasing the availability of Community Solar to residents and businesses across the state. We’re California Dreamin’ of a world full of access to solar energy, and with the state’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045, we know we need to get to work.

Ampion has partnered with Southern California Edison (SCE) to help state residents take advantage of the benefits. Residents get their electricity from the solar farms, receiving clean power at no additional cost. They pay the Default SCE rate, and get to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity by purchasing 100% green energy from a program administered by their local utility, Southern California Edison.

Why Ampion?

why ampion 1

Help the planet

Joining Ampion is an easy way to help the environment by using solar energy to power communities like yours.

why ampion 2

No extra fees

Thanks to your state's renewable energy incentive programs, Ampion members receive regular savings on their electricity bills.

why ampion 3

No hassles, headaches or fees

Think of it as “solar as a service” — with no equipment to buy, install, maintain or worry about, you get to experience all the benefits of Community Solar without the hassles.

why ampion 4

Available to all

Ampion is available to homeowners, renters and just about anyone who pays a utility bill, making it easy to take part in sustainable change.


In partnership with Catalyze, the owner and operator of the Sheep Creek Community Solar Farm, Ampion is offering Southern California Edison customers a way to go green. As a part of SCE’s Community Renewables Program, residents in SCE’s utility area can now sign up to receive clean power at no additional cost, based on the default SCE rate.

There is no cost to join the Community Solar program. The sign-up process takes about five minutes, and you will need a copy of your electric bill.


Ampion Billing in California

Your subscription to the Sheep Creek Community Solar Farm results in a monthly Community Renewables credit that appears as an individual line item on your SCE Energy Statement. Community Renewable credits and charges vary from month to month because they are calculated based on the size of your subscription and the solar farm’s monthly generation which fluctuate due to factors like weather. The Community Renewables credit and charge will only appear on your SCE Energy Statement after the solar facility becomes operational.

As a subscriber to the solar facility, you will continue to receive electricity from and remain a customer of SCE. Therefore, you will continue to receive a monthly SCE Energy Statement. In accordance with your signed customer developer agreement (CDA), you will receive a separate invoice statement from Ampion, on behalf of Catalyze Holdings, for your subscription specific to the Community Renewable bill credits applied to your SCE Energy Statement.

Your SCE bill will show a community renewables credit, which is determined based upon the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) of renewable energy allocated to your utility account multiplied by the Community Renewables Rate, which is determined by SCE. This Community Renewables Credit will reduce the amount of your SCE utility invoice, but will be partly offset by Community Renewables Charges calculated and assessed by SCE to account for your involvement in the program.

Icon Billing
Lower your Utility Bill, Help the Planet, Energize your Community

Check your eligibility for Community Solar from Ampion

Have more questions?

For most people, Community Solar is a new idea. And it can be confusing. We commend your willingness to dig in and learn! Explore our list of answers to common questions that come up as people learn about Community Solar.

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