Community Solar in Illinois from Ampion

  • Clean Energy Standard: Carbon-free by 2040

  • Types of Subscribers Allowed: Residents, businesses, and community groups

  • Typical Contract Discount: 10% discount on bill credits for electric supply (20% for income-eligible subscribers)

  • Billing Model: 1 bill via the utility (“net crediting”), or dual billing (utility bill plus Ampion for credits)

Lower your Utility Bill, Help the Planet, Energize your Community

Check your eligibility for Community Solar from Ampion

Renewable Energy in Illinois

Ampion believes that as clean prairie winds blow from Rockford to Cairo, clean energy should also flow throughout the state of Illinois. That’s why we’re spearheading a comprehensive Community Solar program in the Land of Lincoln, bringing renewable energy and guaranteed savings to all Illinois participants.

Illinois currently generates 38% of the state’s power through solar energy. The state government set a goal of achieving 100% renewable energy by 2040. Ampion is helping with this effort by building support for the Community Solar movement in Illinois. We’re helping state residents take advantage of the benefits — savings on credits generated by their share of the solar farms, applied to the supply portion of their bill, and enabling more of the grid to be powered by clean, renewable energy.

Why Ampion?


It’s easy to join Ampion and start benefiting from Community Solar. With the following items in hand, it should take just a few minutes!

Zip code– we’ll use this to match you with a locally-operated solar farm near you.

Utility account details or a recent utility bill– we use your account info to confirm eligibility, and assign you a solar energy allocation to match your usage.


Ampion Billing in Illinois

Credits are applied to your utility bill each month based on your share of the energy produced by the solar farm. The State of Illinois offers both "net crediting" and dual billing for Community Solar. If the solar project you are assigned to is net-credited, you will pay your utility for those Community Solar credits at a discounted rate. If the project that you are assigned to is dual-billed, you'll receive two bills each month: one from your utility (for example, ComEd or Ameren) with your credits applied, and one from Ampion charging you for your credits at the discounted rate. That’s where the savings come in!

In Illinois, the discount is 10 or 20%, depending on your income eligibility. Think of this as every dollar of credit only costing you 90 cents or 80 cents. So you pay less than what you would have paid without Community Solar.

Sound too good to be true? We hear that a lot! These savings are made possible by state programs designed to increase adoption of renewable energy in Illinois. The result is a win for everyone involved.

Icon Billing
Lower your Utility Bill, Help the Planet, Energize your Community

Check your eligibility for Community Solar from Ampion

Have more questions?

For most people, Community Solar is a new idea. And it can be confusing. We commend your willingness to dig in and learn! Explore our list of answers to common questions that come up as people learn about Community Solar.

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